Joerg Steegmueller's Homepage |
Welcome to my Homepage! I have this website now for a number of years already, but never got 'round to design a proper site or to put any interesting information about myself on it. I am kept busy with work and my many hobbies so that there is no time for this site. ;-) Lately it is especially the "Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)" (a weekly event guide newsletter that I write and distribute to more than 24000 subscribers), Krav Maga Ireland (where I train myself and help training beginners), the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir (where I do the sound engineering at the weekly "Gig in God's Gaff" and technical coordination in general) and the Elvis The Way It Was Band (where I sing in the backing choir) that keep me busy. Links to separate websites for the different hobbies are listed below, so that you can have a browse if you are interested. If you want to know anything else about me, you can drop me a mail and ask. :-) You can contact me on Links to the companies I am directly or indirectly involved with:Links to some of my many hobbies and interests:
Last changed: 27 April 2008